“I’m a fan of Felberbaum’s playing, and of Sweet Salt an earlier FS disc. I saw the present group in Copenhagen a few years back and was enormously impressed, not just by the leader but by the crisp, unfussy interaction. (…) These are all substantial cuts, but without an ounce of fat.”
Brian Morton-Jazz Journal
Michael Felberbaum
Born in Rome, Michael Felberbaum is an italo-american guitarist, composer and arranger.
At the age of fifteen, he produced his first concerts in roman jazz clubs. At eighteen, he moved to the United States where he played with Frank Lacey, Roy Hargrove, Joshua Redman, the poet Allen Ginsburg… At the same time, he studied composition and arrangement at the Berklee School of Music where he received a Bachelor degree in Music with special Honours Magna Cum Laude.
Upon his return to Europe, he settled in France where he performed and recorded with various musicians as Marc Copland, Johnny Griffin, Steve Lehman, Stefano Di Battista, Stéphane Belmondo, Pierre de Bethmann, Hervé Sellin, Lee Konitz, François Théberge, Sylvain Beuf, Olivier Temime, George Brown, Sunny Murray, François and Louis Moutin, Brice Wassy, l’Orchestre de la Lune, Jean Luc Fillon, l’Absolute Orkestra de Toufic Farroukh, Adel Shams El-Din and St. Germain… Michael has co-led projects such as the 3 Elements trio with the cellist Dimos Goudaroulis and the drummer John Betsch and a duo with the trombone player Daniel Casimir. He has also played, composed and arranged for projects with Steve Potts, François Théberge, Jean-Luc Fillon, Michel Donato and the Emmanuel Bex trio with Aldo Romano.
For over ten years, he has recorded albums and performed with his own projects.
Extraits vidéo
Michael Felberbaum
Michael Felberbaum

"3Elements": Felberbaum-Borey-Montana

Michael Felberbaum LEGO live 2020

L'Esquisse-The Sketch (Bande annonce, trailer)

Michael Felberbaum 3Elements album: teaser2
Albums comme leader ou co-leader
Revues de presse
Pierre de Bethmann Ilium7 (Aléa, Réédition Avr. 2022)
Pierre de Bethmann (Aléa, Réédition Nov. 2021)
Pierre de Bethmann Ilium5 (Aléa, Réédition Nov. 2021)
L'Orchestre de la Lune (Cristal)
Frédéric Borey (Fresh Sound New Talent)
Thomas Savy (Plus Loin Music)
Amy Gamlen Group (Jazz Underground)
Michel El Malem Group with Marc Copland (Harmonia Mundi), meilleur album de jazz Francais, Académéie du jazz.
Pierre de Bethmann (Plus Loin)
Extraits musicaux
Glenn Ferris Newtet, Le Pavé du Canal, Montigny le Bretonneux
19-20/07/24 :
03/07/24 :
Jeff Boudreaux 4tet, Tourcoing
23-24/06/24 :
Enregistrement Oliver Legoas, avec M. Collignon, G. Kornazov, F. Borey, D. Patrois, Y. Zelnick, Paris
20-22/06 : Résidence
15/06/24 :
Nicolas Marilleau, Concert privé, Champagne
13/06/24 :
The Dissidents club, S. Ivanovic trio, Paris
30/05/24 :
The Dissidents club, avec K. Jannuska, G. Midon The Dissident club, Paris
16/05/24 :
Steve Potts & Francois Ripoche, La Soufflerie, Rezé
14-15/05 : Résidence
02/03/23 :
Le Quintet de la Lune, Le Bab'ilo, Paris
02/02/24 :
The Glenn Ferris Newtet, Le Barbizon, Paris
The Dissidents club, avec Blaise Chevalier, Karl Jannuska, The Dissident club, Paris
Duo avec Juanma Dominguez, Resto Zinc Les marcheurs de la planète, Paris
”Le Jam des dissidents”, avec S. Ivanovic, Juanma Dominguez, The Dissident club, Paris
Duo avec Juanma Dominguez, Resto Zinc Les marcheurs de la planète, Paris
Gary Brunton, Région parisienne
”Le Jam des dissidents”, avec S. Ivanovic, The Dissident club, Paris
”Le Jam des dissidents”, avec S. Ivanovic, The Dissident club, Paris
Quintette de la Lune, Babilo, Paris
enregistrement PULSE avec Olivier Le Goas, Médéric Collignon, Gueorgui Kornazov, David Patrois, Frédéric Borey, Yoni Zelnik, Plestin les Grèves
Résidence PULSE-2e partie avec Olivier Le Goas, Médéric Collignon, Gueorgui Kornazov, David Patrois, Frédéric Borey, Yoni Zelnik, Plestin les Grèves
S. Ivanovic, Sud de la France
Carte blanche, CMDL
”Le Jam des dissidents”, avec B. Archimbault, S. Ivanovic, The Dissident club, Paris
”Meta Incurve life”, Eaubonne Jazz festival
Paris Combo, David Lewis, Lou Pascalou, Paris
Pierre Louis Garcia Ohimé, Sunset, Paris
Michael Felberbaum 3Elements, Charleville Action Jazz, Auditorium du conservatoire, Charleville-Mézières